PSA-2022-480 美国摄影学会GPU-L220129 国际摄影家联盟(GPU/UPI)IPF-KE1946-2022国际摄影师联盟GCPA2022-256全球华人摄影联合会3The 5th Shenzhen International Photography Exhibition will be held in Shenzhen Art Museum at 1st December 2022, The international competition is open to amateurs and...



由第三届深圳国际摄影艺术展览组委会主办,深圳罗湖摄影学会、深圳市罗湖区文化馆、罗湖美术馆承办,深圳摄影学会、深圳手机摄影协会、深圳鹏城国际摄影俱乐部协办的“第三届深圳国际摄影艺术展览”于2018年1月27日(周六)下午15:00在罗湖美术馆举行了开幕暨颁奖仪式。 第三届深圳国际摄影艺术展得到英国皇家摄影学会(RPS);国际摄影家协会(GPU)...

SZIPE2017 – Foreword

Foreword As a sub-event of Shenzhen International Photography Week - "Shenzhen China International Exhibition of Photography(SZIPE)" is a large-scale international photography tournament solicited by professional photographers from all over the world....

2017 – Awards list 获奖和入围名单

2017 – Awards list 获奖和入围名单

All award winners please provide us good quality photos in 3 days through this email “” as your photos will be print and shown in our exhibition on 27th Jan 2018 第三届深圳国际摄影艺术展览评选工作于12月27日圆满结束,最终评出100件获奖作品。本着公开、公平、公正的原则,现将拟获奖作品公示如下,欢迎社会监督。...


Dear All Awards Winners Currently we are processing the payments and shipments of medals and booklets. To all the Shenzhen cup awards winners, please provide us a scan copy of your passport and bank account(Paypal is also acceptable) through this mail(


由深圳国际摄影周组委会主办的“第二届深圳国际摄影艺术展”将于2015年11月27(周五)下午3点整于罗湖美术馆(深圳市南极路六号)举行开幕及颁奖仪式,诚邀您出席! 深圳国际摄影周组委会敬约

SZIPE2015 Conclusion 评选总结

SZIPE2015 Conclusion 评选总结

Following successfully held the first session of shenzhen international photography art exhibition in 2014.  This year we will hold  the second shenzhen international photography art exhibitions on schedule.This session of exhibition received 10056 works of 2601...

2015 – Awards and Candidates list 获奖和入围名单

All winners(excludes candidates) please provide us good quality photos in 3 days through this email "" as your photos will be print and shown in our exhibition on 25th Nov 所有获奖作品(入围作品除外)在收到通知三天内提交大文件电子文档到此邮件“”,以供制作展览图片及印刷画册,作品将于11月25日展览。...



[2014] – Announcement 最新公告

Download PDF Version LETTER TO INFORM THE AWARD WINNERS OF 1ST SHENZHEN CHINA INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF PHOTOGRAPHY Dear the award winners, This letter is to inform you that please send us a copy of your passport to our e-mail address: before...

[2014] – Awards 获奖作品

2014第一届深圳国际摄影艺术展览共收到来自71个国家5488位作者投交的32377幅作品。9月9-10日,经过十位国内外专业评委的评选,彩色组、黑白组各评选出奖项40个,共80个奖项。来自印度的摄影师KUNDU.ARUNABHA的作品《KITES》获得彩色组“深圳杯”金奖;来自西班牙的摄影师Serra.Cristina的作品《Els temps passa》获得彩色组FIAP金牌;中国摄影师何异能的作品《The arrow...

[2014] – General conditions of entry 参加简章

General conditions of entry The exhibition is open to anyone; however, an entry may be rejected when the sponsoring organization or its agent, in its reasonable discretion, believes the entry does not conform to the exhibition rules and conditions. The exhibition is...